Learn Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering with B.C. Punmia's Book PDF
Foundation Engineering Book by B.C. Punmia PDF Download
Foundation engineering is a branch of civil engineering that deals with the design and construction of foundations for various structures such as buildings, bridges, dams, etc. Foundations are the parts of a structure that transfer the load from the superstructure to the underlying soil or rock. The design of foundations requires a thorough understanding of the soil mechanics principles and the behavior of different types of soils under various loading conditions.
foundation engineering book by b.c.punmia pdf download
One of the most popular and comprehensive books on foundation engineering is Soil Mechanics and Foundations by B.C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain and Arun Kumar Jain. This book covers both the theoretical and practical aspects of soil mechanics and foundation engineering in a clear and systematic manner. It is suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate students of civil engineering as well as practicing engineers who want to update their knowledge and skills in this field.
In this article, we will review the features, contents and benefits of this book. We will also provide you with a link to download the PDF version of this book for free.
Features of the Book
The book has several features that make it a valuable resource for learning and applying foundation engineering concepts. Some of these features are:
Comprehensive coverage of soil mechanics and foundation engineering: The book covers all the topics related to soil mechanics such as basic properties of soil, soil classification, soil compaction, soil water and water flow, effective stress and pore water pressure, permeability and seepage analysis, consolidation and settlement, shear strength of soil, earth pressure theories, stability of slopes, etc. It also covers all the topics related to foundation engineering such as site investigation and selection of foundation, shallow foundations, pile foundations, well foundations, caisson foundations, machine foundations, retaining walls, sheet pile walls, braced cuts and cofferdams, etc.
Clear and concise explanations of concepts and principles: The book explains the concepts and principles of soil mechanics and foundation engineering in a simple and lucid language. It avoids unnecessary mathematical derivations and focuses on the physical interpretation and application of the formulas. It also provides relevant definitions, terminologies, symbols and units for each topic.
Numerous solved examples and practice problems: The book contains more than 600 solved examples and more than 1600 unsolved problems for each chapter. The solved examples illustrate the application of the concepts and principles to various types of problems. The unsolved problems provide an opportunity for the students to test their understanding and practice their skills. The answers to the unsolved problems are given at the end of the book.
Illustrations, diagrams, tables and charts to aid understanding: The book contains more than 1000 illustrations, diagrams, tables and charts that help to visualize and understand the concepts and principles of soil mechanics and foundation engineering. The illustrations and diagrams are drawn to scale and show the relevant dimensions, forces, stresses, strains, etc. The tables and charts provide useful data and information for various types of soils, foundations, loads, etc.
Updated and revised content based on latest developments and standards: The book has been updated and revised to reflect the latest developments and standards in the field of soil mechanics and foundation engineering. It incorporates the latest research findings, design methods, codes of practice, specifications, etc. It also covers some of the emerging topics such as soil improvement techniques, geosynthetics, reinforced earth structures, etc.
Contents of the Book
The book is divided into two parts: Part I: Soil Mechanics and Part II: Foundation Engineering. Each part consists of several chapters that cover the following topics:
Part I: Soil Mechanics
Basic Properties of Soil:
This chapter introduces the basic properties of soil such as phase diagram, specific gravity, density, void ratio, porosity, degree of saturation, moisture content, unit weight, etc. It also explains the methods of determination of these properties in the laboratory and in the field.
Soil Classification:
This chapter explains the need and purpose of soil classification. It describes the various systems of soil classification such as particle size classification, textural classification, unified soil classification system (USCS), Indian standard soil classification system (ISSCS), etc. It also discusses the methods of identification and classification of soils based on their physical characteristics.
Soil Compaction:
This chapter discusses the concept and significance of soil compaction. It defines the terms such as compaction curve, optimum moisture content (OMC), maximum dry density (MDD), zero air voids line (ZAVL), etc. It also describes the methods of compaction such as standard proctor test, modified proctor test, field compaction methods, etc.
Soil Water and Water Flow:
This chapter deals with the occurrence and movement of water in soils. It explains the concepts such as capillarity, surface tension, contact angle, capillary rise, etc. It also discusses the laws governing water flow in soils such as Darcy's law, continuity equation, hydraulic gradient, hydraulic conductivity, coefficient of permeability, etc.
Effective Stress and Pore Water Pressure:
This chapter explains the concept of effective stress in soils. It defines the terms such as total stress, pore water pressure, effective stress, neutral stress, etc. It also discusses the variation of effective stress and pore water pressure with depth in different types of soils under various loading conditions.
Permeability and Seepage Analysis:
This chapter deals with the determination and estimation of permeability of soils. It describes the methods of measurement of permeability such as constant head test, falling head test, pumping test, etc. It also discusses the factors affecting permeability such as soil type, structure, gradation, compaction, temperature, etc. It also explains the concept and methods of seepage analysis such as flow net construction, seepage force calculation, seepage through earth dams, etc.
Consolidation and Settlement:
This chapter discusses the phenomenon of consolidation and settlement in soils. It defines the terms such as consolidation, compression index (Cc), recompression index (Cr), coefficient of consolidation (Cv), coefficient of volume change (mv), degree of consolidation (U), time factor (Tv), settlement (S), primary consolidation settlement (Sp), secondary consolidation settlement (Ss), immediate settlement (Si), etc. It also describes the methods of determination and estimation of consolidation parameters such as oedometer test (one-dimensional consolidation test), graphical method (Casagrande's method), logarithmic method (Taylor's method), etc.
Shear Strength of Soil:
This chapter explains the concept and significance of shear strength in soils. It defines the terms such as shear stress (τ), normal stress (σ), angle of internal friction (φ), cohesion (c I'll continue to write the article. Here is the continuation of the article with HTML formatting: Earth Pressure Theories:
This chapter discusses the theories of earth pressure on retaining structures. It explains the concepts such as active earth pressure, passive earth pressure, at-rest earth pressure, etc. It also describes the methods of calculation of earth pressure coefficients and forces based on Rankine's theory and Coulomb's theory. It also discusses the graphical methods such as Culmann's method and Rebhann's method for determining earth pressure.
Stability of Slopes:
This chapter deals with the analysis of stability of slopes in soils. It defines the terms such as factor of safety, critical slip surface, limit equilibrium method, etc. It also describes the methods of stability analysis such as Swedish circle method, Bishop's method, Janbu's method, Spencer's method, etc. It also discusses the factors affecting slope stability such as soil properties, groundwater conditions, external loads, seismic forces, etc.
Part II: Foundation Engineering
Site Investigation and Selection of Foundation:
This chapter explains the importance and objectives of site investigation for foundation engineering. It describes the methods of site investigation such as desk study, field exploration, laboratory testing, etc. It also discusses the criteria and factors for selection of suitable type of foundation for different types of structures and soils.
Shallow Foundations: Types, Design and Settlement Analysis:
This chapter covers the types, design and settlement analysis of shallow foundations such as strip footings, isolated footings, combined footings, raft foundations, etc. It explains the concepts such as bearing capacity, net safe bearing pressure, allowable bearing pressure, settlement, differential settlement, etc. It also describes the methods of determination and estimation of bearing capacity and settlement based on Terzaghi's theory, Meyerhof's theory, Hansen's theory, Skempton's theory, IS code method, plate load test method, standard penetration test method, cone penetration test method, etc.
Pile Foundations: Types, Design and Load Capacity Estimation:
This chapter covers the types, design and load capacity estimation of pile foundations such as driven piles, bored piles, precast piles, cast-in-situ piles, timber piles, concrete piles, steel piles, composite piles, etc. It explains the concepts such as end bearing piles, friction piles, negative skin friction, group action factor (efficiency), settlement ratio (reduction), load transfer mechanism (t-z and Q-z curves), etc. It also describes the methods of determination and estimation of pile load capacity based on static formulae (such as Engineering News formula), dynamic formulae (such as Hiley formula), pile load test (such as Kentledge method), pile driving formulae (such as SPT-based method), pile integrity test (such as sonic logging method), etc.
Well Foundations: Types, Design and Construction Aspects:
This chapter covers the types I'll continue to write the article. Here is the continuation of the article with HTML formatting: Well Foundations: Types, Design and Construction Aspects:
This chapter covers the types, design and construction aspects of well foundations. Well foundations are a type of caisson foundations that are sunk into the ground by excavating the soil inside them. They are generally circular or rectangular in shape and made of brick or stone masonry. They are suitable for foundations of bridges and other structures in rivers and marine environments where the soil is soft or loose and the water level is high. They can resist large lateral forces and scouring effects due to water flow. They can also be adjusted to the required depth by sinking them further or cutting them off.
Caisson Foundations: Types, Design and Construction Aspects:
This chapter covers the types, design and construction aspects of caisson foundations. Caisson foundations are a type of caisson foundations that are prefabricated above the ground level and above the water level and sunk to the desired depth by filling them with concrete or sand. They can have various shapes such as box caissons, open caissons, pneumatic caissons, etc. They are suitable for foundations of bridges and other structures in deep water or where the soil is hard or rocky. They can also resist uplift forces due to water pressure.
Machine Foundations: Types, Design and Vibration Analysis:
This chapter covers the types, design and vibration analysis of machine foundations. Machine foundations are a type of foundations that support machines or equipment that produce dynamic loads such as reciprocating engines, turbines, compressors, pumps, etc. They are designed to ensure the stability and safety of the machines and to minimize the transmission of vibrations to the surrounding soil and structures. They can have various types such as block foundations, frame foundations, raft foundations, etc. They are analyzed for natural frequency, damping ratio, amplitude of vibration, resonance condition, etc.
Retaining Walls: Types, Design and Stability Analysis:
This chapter covers the types, design and stability analysis of retaining walls. Retaining walls are a type of structures that retain soil or other materials at different levels on either side of them. They are used to provide lateral support to slopes, embankments, excavations, etc. They can have various types such as gravity walls, cantilever walls, counterfort walls, buttress walls, crib walls, gabion walls, etc. They are designed to resist the earth pressure acting on them and to ensure their stability against sliding, overturning and bearing failure.
Sheet Pile Walls: Types, Design and Construction Aspects:
This chapter covers the types, design and construction aspects of sheet pile walls. Sheet pile walls are a type of retaining walls that consist of interlocking steel or concrete sheets driven into the ground. They are used to provide temporary or permanent support to excavations, cofferdams, waterfront structures, etc. They can have various types such as cantilever sheet pile walls, anchored sheet pile walls, braced sheet pile walls, cellular sheet pile walls, etc. They are designed to resist the earth pressure and water pressure acting on them and to ensure their stability against driving resistance, pullout resistance and bending resistance.
Braced Cuts and Cofferdams: Types, Design and Construction Aspects:
This chapter covers the types I'll continue to write the article. Here is the continuation of the article with HTML formatting: Braced Cuts and Cofferdams: Types, Design and Construction Aspects:
This chapter covers the types, design and construction aspects of braced cuts and cofferdams. Braced cuts are a type of temporary excavations that are supported by vertical or horizontal sheeting with internal struts. They are used to provide lateral support to deep trenches, basements, shafts, etc. Cofferdams are a type of temporary enclosures that keep away earth and water from the construction area. They are used to provide dry working environment for foundations, dams, bridges, etc. They can have various types such as braced cofferdams, cellular cofferdams, rock-fill cofferdams, etc.
In this article, we have reviewed the features, contents and benefits of the book Soil Mechanics and Foundations by B.C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain and Arun Kumar Jain. This book is a comprehensive and authoritative guide for students and practitioners of civil engineering who want to learn and apply the principles and methods of soil mechanics and foundation engineering. The book covers both the theoretical and practical aspects of soil mechanics and foundation engineering in a clear and systematic manner. It provides numerous solved examples and practice problems for each chapter. It also contains illustrations, diagrams, tables and charts to aid understanding. It also incorporates the latest developments and standards in the field of soil mechanics and foundation engineering.
If you are interested in learning more about this book or downloading the PDF version for free, you can click on this link. We hope you found this article useful and informative.
Here are some frequently asked questions about this book:
Q: What is the edition and year of publication of this book?
A: This book is the 16th edition published in 2018 by Laxmi Publications.
Q: How many pages does this book have?
A: This book has 1648 pages.
Q: What are the prerequisites for reading this book?
A: This book assumes that the reader has a basic knowledge of mathematics, physics and mechanics.
Q: Who are the authors of this book?
A: The authors of this book are B.C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain and Arun Kumar Jain. They are eminent professors and consultants in civil engineering with decades of teaching and research experience.
Q: What are some other books on soil mechanics and foundation engineering?
A: Some other books on soil mechanics and foundation engineering are:
Principles of Geotechnical Engineering by Braja M. Das and Khaled Sobhan.
Fundamentals of Soil Mechanics for Sedimentary and Residual Soils by Laurence D. Wesley.
Foundation Engineering Handbook by Robert W. Day.
: https://www.pdfdrive.com/soil-mechanics-and-foundations-e158299066.html 71b2f0854b