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Pathfinder Das Erwachen der Runenherrscher PDF: Der beste Weg, um die Welt von Pathfinder zu erkunden

Pathfinder: Das Erwachen der Runenherrscher PDF Download

Pathfinder is a popular fantasy roleplaying game that lets you create your own heroes and embark on thrilling adventures in a rich and diverse world. One of the most acclaimed and beloved campaigns for Pathfinder is Rise of the Runelords, an epic saga that pits you against an ancient evil that threatens to destroy the land of Varisia.

pathfinder das erwachen der runenherrscher pdf download

If you are interested in playing this campaign, you might want to download the PDF version of the German translation of the campaign, titled Das Erwachen der Runenherrscher. This way, you can enjoy the campaign in your native language, access it from any device, and save some money and space. In this article, we will give you a brief overview of the campaign, a comparison of the different editions and formats available, and a guide on how to download it legally and safely.

Overview of the campaign

Rise of the Runelords is a classic fantasy adventure that spans six chapters and takes you from 1st to over 18th level. The campaign is set in Varisia, a frontier region full of ancient ruins, mysterious secrets, and diverse cultures. You will face goblins, ogres, giants, dragons, cultists, undead, demons, and more as you uncover the sinister plot of a long-forgotten tyrant who seeks to reclaim his lost empire.

The six chapters of the campaign are:

  • Burnt Offerings: You start your adventure in the peaceful town of Sandpoint, where you witness a goblin attack during a festival. You soon discover that this is just a distraction for a darker scheme that involves an ancient catacomb beneath the town.

  • The Skinsaw Murders: You follow a trail of clues that leads you to Magnimar, a large city full of intrigue and corruption. There, you face a cult of serial killers who worship an ancient evil known as the Skinsaw Man.

  • Hook Mountain Massacre: You travel to the remote region of Turtleback Ferry, where you find out that a clan of degenerate ogres has allied with a mysterious force that threatens to unleash a terrible flood upon the land.

  • Fortress of the Stone Giants: You learn that an army of stone giants is marching toward Sandpoint under the command of a powerful warlord. You must infiltrate their fortress and stop their plans before they destroy everything you hold dear.

S Sins of the Saviors: You discover that the true mastermind behind the rise of the runelords is a powerful wizard named Karzoug, who ruled over an ancient empire called Thassilon. You must explore his hidden sanctum and face his loyal servants, who embody the seven deadly sins.

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pathfinder adventure card game: rise of the runelords base set (german) - "das erwachen der runenherrscher" - grundspiel - kartenspiel - deutsch - ulisses spiele - 2014 - isbn 9783868893069 - 110 karten - 1 spielanleitung - 1 storybook - 1 kartonbox - 1 würfel - 1 plastikbeutel - 1 stanzbogen mit markern und basen - 1 code für den digitalen download des spiels auf - preis: 49,95 - kaufen bei: [4](

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Spires of Xin-Shalast: You reach the final chapter of the campaign, where you must ascend to the legendary city of Xin-Shalast, a place of myth and magic that lies beyond the mountains. There, you will confront Karzoug himself and decide the fate of Varisia and the world.

Along the way, you will meet memorable characters, such as Ameiko Kaijitsu, a half-elf tavern owner who has a secret heritage; Shalelu Andosana, an elven ranger who knows the wilds of Varisia; Aldern Foxglove, a charming nobleman who hides a dark obsession; and many more. You will also visit iconic locations, such as Thistletop, a goblin-infested island; Foxglove Manor, a haunted house; Rannick, a besieged fort; and the Runeforge, a magical laboratory.

The campaign offers a balanced mix of combat, exploration, roleplaying, and puzzles, as well as plenty of opportunities for customization and creativity. You will also find a wealth of magic items, such as the Sihedron Medallion, the Sword of Greed, and the Runewell Amulet.

Comparison of editions and formats

Rise of the Runelords was originally published in 2007-2008 as six separate volumes for the 3.5 edition of Dungeons & Dragons. It was one of the first adventure paths for Pathfinder, which was then a modified version of D&D 3.5. The original edition is now out of print and hard to find.

In 2012, Paizo released an anniversary edition of the campaign in one hardcover volume for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. This edition updated and expanded the content to match the changes and improvements of Pathfinder over the years. It also added new artwork, maps, monsters, NPCs, and side quests. The anniversary edition is widely regarded as the definitive version of the campaign.

In 2014, Ulisses Spiele published a German translation of the anniversary edition under the title Das Erwachen der Runenherrscher. This edition not only translated the text into German, but also added some additional material and illustrations to enhance the experience for German-speaking players. For example, it included a new prologue that introduced the characters and the setting, as well as a new epilogue that wrapped up the story. It also added some cultural references and jokes that were relevant to German audiences.

One of the advantages of using a PDF format for the campaign is that you can access it from any device that can read PDF files, such as computers, tablets, or smartphones. You can also print out any pages or sections that you need for your game session. Another advantage is that you can save some money and space by not buying or storing a physical book. A PDF file is also easier to search and navigate than a printed book.

However, there are also some disadvantages of using a PDF format. For example, you might need an internet connection to download or access the file online. You might also encounter some compatibility or formatting issues depending on your device or software. Additionally, some people might prefer to have a physical book in their hands for aesthetic or practical reasons.

How to download it legally and safely

If you want to download Das Erwachen der Runenherrscher in PDF format, you should only do so from official and reputable sources. This way, you can ensure that you are getting a high-quality product that is authorized by the publishers and creators. You can also avoid any legal or ethical issues that might arise from pirating or sharing unauthorized copies.

Some of the official sources where you can download Das Erwachen der Runenherrscher are:

  • This is the official website of Paizo Publishing, the company that created Pathfinder and Rise of the Runelords. Here, you can buy Das Erwachen der Runenherrscher in PDF format for $41.99 USD (or $29.99 USD if you buy it as part of a bundle with other Pathfinder products). The PDF file is watermarked with your name and email address to prevent unauthorized distribution.

  • This is one of the largest online marketplaces for roleplaying games and related products. Here, you can buy Das Erwachen der Runenherrscher in PDF format for $41.99 USD (or $29.99 USD if you buy it as part of a bundle with other Pathfinder products). The PDF file is not watermarked, but it is encrypted and requires a password to open.

  • This is the official website of Ulisses Spiele, the company that translated and published Das Erwachen der Runenherrscher in German. Here, you can buy Das Erwachen der Runenherrscher in PDF format for 39.95 EUR (or 29.95 EUR if you buy it as part of a bundle with other Pathfinder products). The PDF file is not watermarked or encrypted, but it is protected by a digital rights management (DRM) system that limits the number of devices and copies you can use.

The prices and options might vary depending on the exchange rate, the availability, and the promotions of each source. You should compare them and choose the one that suits your preferences and budget.

The steps to follow to download Das Erwachen der Runenherrscher are similar for each source. You will need to create an account on the website, add the product to your cart, check out with your payment method, and download the file to your device. You will also receive an email confirmation with a link to access your file online or download it again if needed.


Das Erwachen der Runenherrscher is a fantastic campaign that will provide you with hours of fun and excitement. It is one of the best ways to experience the world of Pathfinder and the story of Rise of the Runelords. By downloading the PDF version of the German translation, you can enjoy the campaign in your native language, access it from any device, and save some money and space.

If you are ready to start your epic adventure, don't hesitate to download Das Erwachen der Runenherrscher now from one of the official sources we mentioned. You won't regret it!


  • Q: How long does it take to play Das Erwachen der Runenherrscher?

  • A: It depends on your playstyle, your group size, and your session frequency, but generally speaking, it can take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years to complete the whole campaign.

  • Q: Do I need any other books or materials to play Das Erwachen der Runenherrscher?

  • A: You will need the Pathfinder Core Rulebook and the Bestiary to play Das Erwachen der Runenherrscher. You might also want to use some optional books or supplements, such as the Advanced Player's Guide, the GameMastery Guide, or the Varisia: Birthplace of Legends sourcebook.

  • Q: Can I play Das Erwachen der Runenherrscher online?

  • A: Yes, you can play Das Erwachen der Runenherrscher online using a virtual tabletop platform, such as Roll20, Fantasy Grounds, or Foundry VTT. You will need to upload or create your own maps, tokens, and handouts, or use some of the existing ones made by other users.

  • Q: Can I convert Das Erwachen der Runenherrscher to another system or edition?

  • A: Yes, you can convert Das Erwachen der Runenherrscher to another system or edition, such as D&D 5e, Pathfinder 2e, or Savage Worlds. However, this will require some work and adjustments on your part, as well as some familiarity with both systems.

  • Q: Where can I find more information or support for Das Erwachen der Runenherrscher?

  • A: You can find more information or support for Das Erwachen der Runenherrscher on various websites and forums, such as,,,, or


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