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Tikhon Rybakov
Tikhon Rybakov

Printable Acupressure Points Chart

Cardinal Points of Acupuncture - PDFNot sure which point to treat? This chart contains 41 Cardinal points that are specific for conditions, functions and areas of the body. Each point is mapped out, listed by condition, point name is also listed by Chinese name with detailed description of point location.

printable acupressure points chart

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Chinese medicine, the theoretical basis of Meridian Massage, uses over 350 points (also known as acupoints, acupressure points, or acupuncture points). Learning all of these points is overwhelming and unnecessary for the practice of Meridian Massage. The Points and Pathways of Meridian Massage poster keep it simple!

Front, back, and side views provide the best way to see the meridian pathways. Underlying anatomical landmarks are clearly shown. Meridians and acupressure points are shown on one side of the body so that the student can visualize the pathway on the opposite side. Use this poster to practice point and meridian location.

The 12 meridians and acupressure points are classified by Yin, Yang, and the 5 Elements. Every Element has an associated color. To support your understanding, each meridian is represented by the color of its associated Element. 12 Meridians by Element and Color:

To understand the basics of acupuncture, it helps to familiarize yourself with the acupuncture points chart. The number of acupuncture points was originally established to correspond to the number of days in the year: 365. These points were mapped to 14 major channel lines, one channel for each of the 12 inner organs, one channel along the spine (called the governing vessel), and another along the midline of the abdomen (called the conception vessel).

Over time, the number of points identified by acupuncturists has expanded, expanding the acupuncture points chart. There are additional channels with their own sets of points, special points located off channels and complete maps of body structures by points along the ears, nose, scalp, hands, feet, wrists and ankles.

Our body has zones and reflex parts that correspond directly to other body parts. An act of applying specific physical pressure using your finger, thumb or hand helps in stress and anxiety reduction. This happens due psychological change that body happens to pass. The reflexology chart is meant to help you heal from such points of discomfort that is associated with applied pressure. Get a look on the templates available in variety of formats like PSD, PDF, MS Word and many more.

You can perform self-acupressure or you can seek acupressure therapy from a certified specialist. Self-acupressure is great because the majority of acupressure points can be reached, but if someone else does it then all points can be reached plus you benefit from their expertise including what points help what and appropriate pressure timing and intensity.

Acupressure vs acupuncture, what are the differences? Acupressure points and acupuncture points are the same. Both methods use the same meridian lines, too. The biggest difference is that acupuncture stimulates the points with needles while acupressure applies bodily (mainly finger) pressure to the points. This pressure can range from gentle to firm. Both disciplines aim to optimize energy flow in the body through the release of tension/blockages. (6)

The benefits of acupressure are seemingly never ending. You name it and there is most likely at least one, if not multiple, acupressure points that are known to be helpful. In general, acupressure can help to release tension, boost circulation and reduce pain. Here are some top acupressure benefits for common health concerns:

For many women, premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a dreaded thing to deal with month after month. There are certainly things you can do to reduce PMS symptoms, including making changes to your diet. It also appears that acupressure can improve these unwanted symptoms. Research shows that manipulating acupressure points LI4 and LV3 (also known as LIV3) may help. LV3 is located on your foot about two finger-widths above the place where the skin of your big toe and the next toe join.

A study published in 2017 in the journal Complementary Therapies in Medicine looked at the effects of acupressure on the quality of life in women with PMS. This randomized, single blinded clinical trial had 97 participants with PMS receive 20 minutes of acupressure on different points for the two weeks before menstruation for three consecutive menstrual cycles. Subjects received acupressure on either LV3, LI4 or a placebo point.

One of the most popular acupressure points used for nausea and vomiting is pressure point P6 or Pc6. P6 is located on your inner arm near your wrist. It works so well that Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer center recommends acupressure on this point to relieve nausea and vomiting due to chemotherapy. (7)

Acupressure has been used for thousands of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM. Acupressure points, also called acupoints, and their specific applications are said to have first been established by TCM theory. As I mentioned earlier, acupressure has also been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries as well.

Some say that acupressure as well as acupuncture came about as early Chinese healers studied the puncture wounds of Chinese warriors and observed that specific points on the body created interesting results when stimulated. Not only did acupressure reduce pain in the area of the pressure point, but it could be used to benefit other areas of the body no where near the pressure point.

Acupressure uses the same points as acupuncture, but is completely non-invasive. How far back to these fascinating acupressure points go? Thousands of years with one of the oldest known texts specifically on the subject of acupuncture/acupressure points being the Systematic Classic of Acupuncture from 282 A.D. (20)

Other practices also accept the idea of balancing energy for healing. Acupuncture and acupressure both use pressure points to help unblock energy. EFT tapping adds modern tools from the psychology treatment toolbox to these ancient healing methods.

Meridian points are similar to acupressure points. In traditional Chinese medicine, they make up a network of energy channels said to run through your body and each are connected to specific organs. Some tapping advocates will advise that you tap each of the 12 main EFT meridians in a pattern for weight loss.

A 2011 study of 84 participants between ages 18 and 20 who had obesity showed that acupressure applied to pressure points on the ear successfully helped reduce body mass index (BMI) over an 8-week period.

The process of applying firm pressure and gentle massage on the various pressure points is easy. Many of the acupressure points are easily accessible. For ones that aren't as easy to apply pressure to in a comfortable position, you should find someone else to assist.

Yes, acupressure therapy can offer relief from allergy symptoms. There are a number of pressure points for allergies on the face that will offer relief from itchy, watery eyes and sinus congestion. Acupressure can offer allergy relief, as well as help to prevent seasonal allergies.

Pet owners should know that there are several simple animal acupressure points that calm and relieve pain and that anyone can perform. This article describes how to find these points and how to apply pressure to provide relief.

In traditional Chinese acupressure, firm pressure is placed on several points of your body to ease medical conditions. This technique is thought to promote weight loss by stimulating points on the body that can relieve pressure on the digestive system. While scientific research supporting the effectiveness of acupressure on weight loss is limited, some studies have found that it may be an effective complement to a healthy diet and exercise in reaching your weight loss goals.[1]XTrustworthy SourcePubMed CentralJournal archive from the U.S. National Institutes of HealthGo to source

Acupuncture involves penetrating the topmost layer of skin at precisely-chosen points with very thin needles. Because the needles are so thin, patients typically experience little to no pain. The needles are then carefully activated with light pressure, movement, or stimulation. As an alternative, acupressure targets those same precise points under the skin, but with manual pressure or cupping rather than needles. Other non-needle techniques, which are equally effective, include lasers or a specific low level electrical current. These are ideal for patients who are uncomfortable with needles.


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