Solucionario De Ingenieria Economica De Degarmo, 12 Ed
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solucionario de ingenieria economica de degarmo, 12 ed
move is the most commonly used metric in arcgis, both for data analysis and for creating maps. it's used for everything from determining the distances between points to measuring land use. but there are a couple of caveats. first, moving features around on a map can be slow if you have a lot of features. and if you're looking at the area of a feature, moving features around may affect your results. it's pretty much a trade-off between ease of use and speed. second, moving features in the map is often not what you want to do. you might want to "move" features that are already connected, or you might want to move features based on changes to other features.
the get feature count tool calculates the number of features in a selected feature layer, and the number of features in a selected extent. it can be used for any layer, and you can provide a list of layer names or a single name, and provide an extent.
if you want to include small areas (such as a city block) in a larger area (such as a neighborhood), you can use the get area tool to create a polygon around that small area and then use the join operation to connect the small area to the larger area.