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Tikhon Rybakov
Tikhon Rybakov

READ BOOK Reprisal

Years after the events of Reborn, this book follows two main protagonists: Lisl is a math teacher who becomes involved in a torrid romance with a graduate student who begins to change her views on herself and other people. Will Ryerson is a maintenance man who has a secretive past, and spends his entire life trying to stay away from telephones. How do these two stories relate to a woman that gave birth to the embodiment of evil and a missing Jesuit priest who went by the name of Father Bill Ryan? I suspect without even reading the prequels, you can figure out who the good guy and who the bad guy are from this paragraph.

READ BOOK Reprisal


Old School Wednesdays is a weekly Book Smuggler feature. We came up with the idea towards the end of 2012, when both Ana and Thea were feeling exhausted from the never-ending inundation of New and Shiny (and often over-hyped) books. What better way to snap out of a reading fugue than to take a mini-vacation into the past?

Thea James is one half of the maniacal duo behind The Book Smugglers. She is Filipina-American, but grew up in Hawaii, Indonesia, and Japan. A full-time book nerd who works in publishing for her day job, Thea currently resides in Astoria, Queens with her partner and rambunctious cat. COOKING FOR WIZARDS, WARRIORS & DRAGONS (available August 31, 2021) is her first cookbook.

noun1 : a book review blog specializing in speculative fiction, YA and popgeekery for all ages since 2008.2 : a publisher of speculative short fiction and nonfiction since 2014.3 : 2020 Hugo Award winner for Best Fanzine4 : a duo of awesomely badass book nerds

Abstract for the book:We see and read about brutal and seemingly senseless warfare in the news every day --Rwanda, Bosnia, Chechnya, to name a few. This A-to-Z guidebook reveals --through case studies, definitions of key terms, and explanations of what's legal and what's not --what the public needs to know about war and the law. Laws of war exist. They define and categorize those acts of signal cruelty and murder that are universally known as war crimes. The laws of war have never been more developed, yet never before have so many innocent civilians been the victims of war crimes. It is clear that the laws are not being adhered to, nor have these laws been brought to light for the public or the journalists reporting on conflicts. Crimes of War is a timely and important book, especially in light of the recent creation of the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal to try war criminals in Rwanda and Bosnia and the development of a permanent International Criminal Court. Authors Sidney Schanberg and Peter Maass, reporters Tom Gjelton from NPR and Roger Cohen from the New York Times, and photojournalists Gilles Peress and Susan Meiselas, along with many other award-winning writers and photographers, have contributed to this powerful book. The 145 entries define terms from Armistice to Wanton Destruction as well as give case studies of recent and ongoing conflicts.

You'd be forgiven for thinking technology has eradicated the days of old. But not so fast, author member Christopher Wills has a different opinion. He's here to examine the similarities between the current ebook era and the early twentieth century pulp fiction era.

The pulp fiction era is considered to have been between 1896 and 1939, although if one includes cheap paperback books printed after the war, one could suggest the era continued until the 1950s. Paper shortages during the Second World War brought a decline in magazine sales and after 1945, new paperback publishers, comic books and television helped continue the decline in pulp magazines.

Pulp fiction made it cheaper to publish and sell short stories and serialized fiction which created a boom in magazine publishing, meaning many more people were able to write for a living and many more people were able to access their writing by buying the cheap pulp magazines. Ebooks have made it much cheaper to be able to publish short stories and novels which has led to a boom in publishing, meaning many more people are able to write for a living and many more people are able to buy fiction to read.

The staples of early pulp fiction were the many short story magazines like Argosy, Black Mask and Amazing Stories where writers were paid by the word. Longer stories meant more income for writers. Kindle Unlimited pays writers by page reads which is effectively paying writers by the word. More pages equals more income for writers.

During the pulp fiction era writers were paid on acceptance for magazine stories and the rates of payment were agreed in advance. This transparency and speed of payment helped with the payment of bills. Today one advantage ebook authors have over traditional writers is the quick payment of money for sales and the transparency of the amount of money earned.

Pulp magazines and books developed amazing colourful book covers which clearly defined the genre of the stories inside. To sell ebooks one is encouraged to get amazing colourful book covers that clearly define the genre of the stories one is writing.

Book covers have always been designed but only in the last thirty years or so have some traditional book covers started to conform to genre styles. Think Chicklit or Mislit. Some genres like Science Fiction and Westerns have always had a genre style image on the cover.

During the pulp fiction era new genres were created and these genres became established as part of the fiction canon. A couple of examples are Science Fiction and Hard Boiled Detective stories. Today in the ebook era many new genres and sub-genres have been created and have become established such as Paranormal Romance and Military Science Fiction.

So there are similarities between the pulp fiction era and the current ebook era. Some may have concerns that comparisons between the two eras could introduce the idea of ebooks being labelled as pulp fiction.

Author: Christopher WillsChristopher has been a soldier, sailor, teacher, trainer and is now a storyteller. He has an MA in Creative and Critical Writing from the University of Winchester and is a Tony Buzan Licensed Instructor in Mind Mapping. In 2019 Christopher is publishing a 3 book Military SciFi series and a non-fiction book to help writers. He has a website at

This is the fifth book in Wilson's Adversary Cycle, updated by the author and available for the first time in trade paperback, and released in preparation for the grand climax of the Repairman Jack cycle. Poised and waiting for the moment he can unleash an ancient wave of horror that will extinguish humanity, the son of clone Jim Hanley, Jonah, poses as a graduate student in a small southern town to hide his venomous vampiric identity.

That notice, from Dinanath Batra, convener of the Hindu group Shiksha Bachao Andolan Samiti, claimed that the textbook From Plassey to Partition: A History of Modern India, by Sekhar Bandyopadhyay, had portrayed another Hindu-nationalist organization in a bad light. Fearing that Communalism and Sexual Violence would attract similar legal action if it remained on sale, and concerned that its staff might suffer violent reprisals, Orient Blackswan told Kumar that her book would be set aside.

Among the five nations authorized under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty to possess nuclear weapons, China has the smallest nuclear force and maintains the most restrained nuclear posture. In The Minimum Means of Reprisal, Jeffrey Lewis examines patterns in Chinese defense investments, strategic force deployments, and arms control behavior to develop an alternative assessment of China's nuclear forces.The Minimum Means of Reprisal finds that China's nuclear deployment and arms control patterns stem from the belief that deterrence is relatively unaffected by changes in the size, configuration, and readiness of nuclear forces. As a result, Lewis argues, Chinese policy has tended to sacrifice offensive capability in favor of greater political control and lower economic costs.The future of cooperative security arrangements in space will depend largely on the U.S.-Chinese relationship. Lewis warns that changes in U.S. defense strategy, including the development of new strategic forces and the weaponization of space, will prevent the United States from reassuring China in the event that its leaders begin to lose confidence in their restrained deterrent. The result may further damage the already weakened arms control regime and increase the threat to the United States and the world. Lewis provides policy guidance for those interested in the U.S.-Chinese security relationship and in global security arrangements more generally.

Vatta's War is a science fiction series by American writer Elizabeth Moon, comprising five books: Trading in Danger (2003), Marque and Reprisal (2004) (Moving Target in UK and Australia), Engaging the Enemy (2006), Command Decision (2007), and Victory Conditions (2008). They have been characterized as military science fiction similar in style to the works of Lois McMaster Bujold (Vorkosigan Saga), David Weber and Walter Jon Williams (Dread Empire's Fall).[1]

The books follow the adventures of Kylara Vatta, a young member of the Vatta family, which runs the interstellar shipping corporation Vatta Enterprises. She had sought a life outside the family business by enrolling in the Slotter Key Spaceforce Academy, but she is forced to resign in her final year and assigned to captain an old trading ship for the corporation. Her military training is put to good use, however, during the crises she faces, first as a ship captain in dangerous situations, and later as the representative of a family under attack.

The first book, Trading in Danger, is narrowly focused on Ky and the local crisis in which she becomes involved. The perspective expands in the later books as connections between piracy and ansible attacks on the one hand and Vatta Enterprises and InterStellar Communications Corporation (ISC) on the other are revealed. In 2017 Cold Welcome was published. It is the first book of the new Vatta's Peace series. It also features Kylara Vatta and is set after the events of Vatta's War.


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